Mad max fury road cast pregnant
Mad max fury road cast pregnant

After he regains his sense of helping others, don't mess with the Wives in front of him.This especially stands out in contrast with his usual The Stoic behaviour when he suddenly starts screaming " That's mine!" Berserk Button: He's not happy whenever he sees a War Boy driving his car.

mad max fury road cast pregnant


  • Barbarian Longhair: Has shaggy long hair at the start of the movie (until his captors shave it off).
  • Badass Driver: His main role through all four films - drive fast, survive.
  • It makes his the fewer lines he has compared to the rest of the cast stick out more and makes Max come across as even more Badass.
  • Badass Baritone: Tom Hardy speaks with a low, gravelly tone in the film.
  • His Offscreen Moment of Awesome cements this. He's shown consistently kicking all kinds of ass, only suffering any real issues from the surprise attack at the start, taking on Furiosa while chained to Nux, and any time his PTSD kicks in at inopportune moments. His first action sequence has him taking on an innumerable amount of Warboys and almost winning.
  • Awesome Aussie: Though now played by an English guy.
  • Angrish: Spouts some while strapped to Nux's car, the most famous of which is "Confucamus!".
  • Ambiguous Disorder: Show signs of PTSD, and maybe schizophrenia (he's antisocial, hears voices, and has vivid and disturbing hallucinations.).
  • Action Survivor: While not in a mentally sound state he survives being forced into a car crash by the War Boys, being strapped to the hood of a car during a high speed chase while his blood is being drained to sustained Nux, subsequently crashing in the middle of a colossal sandstorm and manages to subdue Furiosa in a fight while being chained to a (briefly) unconscious Nux and while she's being assisted by the other Wives.
  • Exemplified when Rictus tries to physically pull the Wives out of the cabin.

    mad max fury road cast pregnant

    He also does plenty of ass-kicking in the tie-in comics and video game, when he brings Glory the Child out of the Sunken City. Action Dad: While not his biological kids, he does a lot of ass-kicking in the name of protecting the Five Wives, once he comes around to them.This becomes a Chekhov's Gun when Max has to perform a transfusion for Furiosa. He is thus carried into battle by Nux, who is in need of an extended transfusion. AB Negative: Max is an O-negative "universal donor", which saves his life: Immortan Joe and his flunkies keep Max captive to use him as a "blood bag" instead of killing him outright - just as Joe sees the Five Wives as his " breeders".Don't think too hard about whether or not he's the same Max once played by Mel Gibson, or how he's seemingly the same age after this long, Word of God is that it doesn't matter. Now it's my car!"Ī former Main Force Patrol cop, now a drifter, haunted by the past and pursued by scavengers in the present.

    mad max fury road cast pregnant

    "How much more can they take from me? They've got my blood.

    Mad max fury road cast pregnant